
家里有鬼的十种征兆 Ten Signs That Your House Might Be Haunted

‌1. 家中气氛怪异‌ Unsettling Atmosphere at Home


The home is in a dark, damp area, and those living in it often feel cold, shivery, fearful, or tense. Family members frequently catch colds, develop fevers, and suffer from recurring illnesses that are difficult to heal. This is especially noticeable when young children in the household often cry or become agitated at night without any apparent reason.

2. 家居有异常的声响‌  Unexplained Sounds in the Hous:


Strange, unexplainable noises often occur in or around the house, such as footsteps, knocking, loud noises, or children’s laughter, especially at night.

‌3. 家中宠物行为怪异‌  Odd Behavior of Pets:


Pets exhibit restless behavior, barking uncontrollably at a particular spot or direction for no apparent reason, becoming fixated on certain areas, or intentionally avoiding certain places.

‌4. 出现莫名其妙的气味‌  Unexplained Smells:


Unexplained, lingering smells, particularly foul odors with no clear source, often appear in the house, sometimes accompanied by pleasant fragrances or an overpowering stench.

‌5. 家人行为异常‌  Unusual Behavior of Family Members:


Family members suddenly exhibit exaggerated behavior, such as uncontrollable laughing or crying, or engaging in actions that are illogical or out of character. Afterward, they have no memory of these actions once they regain clarity.

6‌. 猫狗不进或表现异常‌  Cats and Dogs Avoiding or Exhibiting Odd Behavior:


Previously calm cats and dogs become restless in the new home, crying at night or refusing to enter certain rooms.

‌7. 灵牌或神像异常‌  Unexplained Issues with Ancestor Tablets or Religious Icons:


Ancestor tablets or religious statues in the home may fall, crack, or display other unusual occurrences.

‌8. 健康出问题‌  Health Problems:


After moving in, the head of the household or multiple family members frequently fall ill, or show signs of poor health, such as a pale or dark complexion, with visible marks on the forehead (like bruising or darkening).

‌9. 屋里有阴风或感觉阴寒‌  Cold and Eerie Drafts:


There is a constant feeling of cold drafts or an overall chilly, uncomfortable atmosphere in the house, making it seem uninhabitable or unsettling.

‌10. 做鬼梦或睡眠不佳‌  Frequent Nightmares or Poor Sleep:


After moving into the new home, you experience constant insomnia or frequent nightmares. In addition, other possible signs may include a significant number of plants dying, increased family disputes, or small animals mysteriously dying. These signs could suggest the presence of something unclean or negative energy in the house, requiring timely resolution. However, these symptoms could also be caused by other factors, such as environmental issues, psychological problems, or health concerns, so it is important to consider all factors when making a judgment.